Lotte Nam Sai Gon


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Submitted by HạnhHoaT on March 21, 2014 - 10:31am
HạnhHoaT's picture

Among 6 at Cineplex theaters, the theater Saigon South Charlotte with 40 seats specially designed, comfortable, luxurious and high-class tickets for the special. Utility of this theater is considered separately served with special ticket class, with more space more privacy, screening room is luxurious interior design, more fussy. Viewers can purchase tickets simply and quickly, without having to wait in line.
In addition, the service also integrates Charlotte Charlotte Lounge & Bar is designed as a separate room, creating absolute comfort for moviegoers.


3rd Floor, 469 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Quy Ward, District 7 3rd Floor, 469 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Quy Ward, District 7

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