
About Saigonist Mutual Friends Facebook App

Submitted by tomo on August 20, 2012 - 9:22am

My friend Grover and I have a lot of mutual friends as I noticed on Facebook one day. And I know that I have a lot of friends with whom I share a large number of friends. I got curious and asked myself: "Who do I have the most shared friends with?" This question turned into a Facebook FQL query which gave me the data. Then I decided to turn it into a "product" and ended up learning stuff about Facebook's PHP and JavaScript SDKs.

The final result is this Facebook App: Saigonist Mutual Friends.

Just enable the app and you'll see a list of your top 10 friends with mutual friends. I got my answer: my friend Jodie and I share 158 friends.


Next steps? I'd like to visualize what cliques or subnetworks exist within my Facebook network...

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